Power lunch

A quick update as a let my Haddock and chips digest, I had 6 eyes watching my every move while I ate it. All of the eyes were attached to cats.

Had a very productive power lunch today with Matt at the Lyric. We were joined by a 3 month old baby who wasted some of meeting by smiling and distracting us. The idea for mobile app to encourage local shopping hung by a thread, saved by some early morning inspiration, more news on that as soon as it’s fit to print. Matt’s work on the video building blocks project is taking shape nicely and has a nice political ‘of the moment’ angle to it. It was the first time I have literally had to wipe poo from someones’ arse after a meeting.

Next step is a half day of locking ourselves in a room to thrash out more detail. Oh and we need to find time to give some love to a new multiplatform game format.