Screaming of Paul at the Ritzy

This morning I look K baby to a special screening for ‘mothers and babies’ at the Ritzy cinema in Brixton, SW London. It’s callled a screaming, you can guess why.

It was pretty busy, mostly white middle class couples with young babies. Anyway me and my girl K roll into the foyer, we check K’s ride into the buggy park and entered the cinema. K’s eyes sparkled a lovely big grin spread across her boat and she wiggled. It was dark, she pivoted round the stare and smile at the lights on the ceiling. Then the big screen, lots of others of K’s kind, the occasional grizzle, screech. K grinned and squealed for the first 30 minutes. Did some sitting and watching then grinched herself to sleep in my arms- lovely.

The film Paul was quite entertaining too, quite silly and funny at times.

Rattla becomes Hissteria

While working on new game formats by analysing real world games it struck me that a board game (e.g. Snakes and ladders) delivers player feed back on their progress towards a clear goal. It also shows their opponent’s position relative to their own.
Players can see where danger lies and where bonuses can be gained. The board format is familiar (possibly reassuring) to new players. Any rules can be more easily understood if the player has fewer new things to comprehend.
Simple games played against other people provide hours of fun and endless replays.

We have started production of the game originally named Rattla and now Hissteria.

Rattla 'ugly' prototype board with snake on the move

Rattla 'ugly' prototype board with snake on the move